If you are a lover of porn you will have seen schoolgirl porn. Videos of girls in flirty clothes show them bending over at desks and even fucking other classmates while wearing the school uniform. Since decades, the school uniform is used in porn. Despite the controversy surrounding these videos, it is obvious that these images have gained a lot of popularity.
The problem with schoolgirl sex is that it reflects male behaviours. This is an example of shame transmission, in which men don’t feel embarrassed about touching their genitals and harassing prepubescent females. Women, on the contrary, feel shame because they have to bear the consequences of their men’s unprofessional behavior. Shame transference occurs when schoolgirl porn becomes a problem. This means that the entire responsibility falls on the shoulders of women.
Porn in schoolgirls is a manifestation a greater issue. Men don’t have to be ashamed of touching prepubescent girls or harassing them in public. But they won’t stop talking about it with their friends. Why then are we so ashamed of schoolgirl pornography? Shame transmission is the key. If a man does such things, he should not be ashamed. The shame transference process shifts the blame onto women, which makes it worse.
The schoolgirl porn phenomena is an expression of a larger issue related to masculine behaviors. This is a classic example in shame transference. The men don’t have to touch their genitals more than once per week. They also don’t harass prepubescent women in public. They will never miss an activity or school function. It is possible for men to feel confident and free of shame. The shame transference problem is a manifestation that a larger problem exists in society. This has serious consequences for our lives.
Shame transference can lead to schoolgirl porn. Men do not feel shameful touching their genitals. But they are not embarrassed to share this information with one another. Women find it embarrassing to discuss such behaviours with their husbands. Shame transference is possible in these situations. They’re not ashamed to show their sexuality in schoolgirl porn.
Shame transgression is the cause of the schoolgirl porn issue. It is a manifestation male behavior. Men don’t feel embarrassed when they touch their prepubescent daughters in public. They don’t feel shame speaking to one another. They are both held responsible for their actions through shame transference. For schoolgirl porn only safety is important.